Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Effect of Social Networking

Is social networking bad? Is it good? Is it a little of both? Many people have different outlook on what the effect of social networking is. In the second link that I have posted the writer enjoys how technology has changed and he accepts the fact that technology is changing and he is excited to see what is going to come next. In the top article, it is about how social media has the effect on kids and at times it is good but at other times it is bad. In my opinion, there is both good and bad in social media I have had both good and bad experiences.

To me, social networking is both bad and good and it can help as much as it can do damage. Now that I am attending a college that is two hours away from home and my friends from high-school it is nice to be able to see how they're doing and contact them if I've lost their number and even to just look at what they've been up to. I remember that when my best friend Nina Martinez lived in Illinois and my phone would charge extra to call because I didn't have a certain phone plan. Whenever I joined Facebook and created an account, it was really nice to be able to send her a message and ask how everyone was doing and to see how she was doing. In the second link that is listed the author is divorced and has a son and he downloaded an app that allows them to send messages back and forth and it means so much to him, every little text message no matter how small it is. On the other hand, in the first article it explains how at times it can be more of a burden. Cyber-bullying is something that is discussed with all of the social networks. From personal experience I know that cyber-bullying can be not only hurtful but it can be embarrassing as well. Whenever I was cyber bullied, it was posted on my wall rather than just sent through a message and so that was the talk of the school the next day because at the time Facebook was new and everyone was always on. Cyber-bullying is a very big downfall for social networking. In the first article it also discusses how teenagers can become depressed from social networking. When someone posts a picture that they think is just wonderful they want everyone on their friend list to like it and when nobody does, they get upset and wonder what they're doing wrong and it makes them get the impression that no one cares about them.

Social networking can either be very fun and it can also be very harsh and realistic. It's crazy to see how technology has changed throughout the years and how it can have different impacts on everyone.

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