Saturday, May 4, 2013

My opinion on "Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts"

Just a few minutes ago I watched a video titled “Harness Your Students’ Digital Smarts”. This video was about a teacher who only uses electronics to teach the class so that she can broaden the students’ knowledge on the different programs that are out there and how to figure different programs out on their own. She believed that it’s easier for the children to learn more by using technology and that it keeps them entertained and wanting to learn more.

At one point the teacher claims that pencil and paper just aren’t working as well anymore and that the students are not learning as much. In one of my classes here in college there isn’t a single device that can be on your desk while class is in session. The teacher who teaches the class believes that it is a complete distraction and that you don’t gain as much as when you write it down and I believe this. I know that if I had my phone or an I-pad to take notes on, there is no way that I would be focused and paying attention. There are so many different apps that you can play around on and fool with that I personally would be distracted. While I’m sitting in class I take notes heavily and when I write those down I remember them but whenever I have typed notes, I have never been able to remember them. As a future teacher, I don’t believe that I would in cooperate technology into my class room. First off I am a band director and when you’re teaching a band if students have technology in front of them, they do not pay attention like they need to be. Also being a future band director the only technology that I would use is a flip camera so that I could record myself conducting and fix the problems that I have. The only other time that I would really use technology is in beginning band because there is a program called smart music that is used with the smart board and it helps the beginning band students learn the basics of music.

It’s not that I don’t agree with using technology in a classroom because if that’s how you feel students learn then, I believe that you should enforce that in a classroom. On the band director side, I don’t believe that I will enforce technology as most classroom teachers will because there isn’t a use for it when you’re learning how to play an instrument.

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