Saturday, May 4, 2013

Summer is almost here

Summer isn’t that far away
Getting closer day by day
Those long summer nights
The stars shining so bright

Staying up late
Going on a sweet date
Taking a fun trip
Hoping my mother won’t flip

Diving into the pool
So that we can be cool
Watching the sun set
Making a few bets

Summer isn’t that far away
Getting closer day by day
Those long summer nights
The stars shining so bright

Sitting on the front porch with my mother
Making fun of my brother
Watching the green grass grow
Wanting this summer to go slow

Ready to go on long four-wheeler rides
Getting muddy on both sides
Can’t wait to go and camp
Hoping we don’t get too damp

Summer isn’t that far away
Getting closer day by day
Those long summer nights
The stars shining so bright

Summer really is the best
So much better than all the rest
Many events are going to be in play
I don’t even know what to say

I’m getting married and changing my name
I suppose it is all part of the growing up game
It’s crazy to think that I am going to be a wife
Realizing I’m going to start my own life

My opinion on "Harness Your Students' Digital Smarts"

Just a few minutes ago I watched a video titled “Harness Your Students’ Digital Smarts”. This video was about a teacher who only uses electronics to teach the class so that she can broaden the students’ knowledge on the different programs that are out there and how to figure different programs out on their own. She believed that it’s easier for the children to learn more by using technology and that it keeps them entertained and wanting to learn more.

At one point the teacher claims that pencil and paper just aren’t working as well anymore and that the students are not learning as much. In one of my classes here in college there isn’t a single device that can be on your desk while class is in session. The teacher who teaches the class believes that it is a complete distraction and that you don’t gain as much as when you write it down and I believe this. I know that if I had my phone or an I-pad to take notes on, there is no way that I would be focused and paying attention. There are so many different apps that you can play around on and fool with that I personally would be distracted. While I’m sitting in class I take notes heavily and when I write those down I remember them but whenever I have typed notes, I have never been able to remember them. As a future teacher, I don’t believe that I would in cooperate technology into my class room. First off I am a band director and when you’re teaching a band if students have technology in front of them, they do not pay attention like they need to be. Also being a future band director the only technology that I would use is a flip camera so that I could record myself conducting and fix the problems that I have. The only other time that I would really use technology is in beginning band because there is a program called smart music that is used with the smart board and it helps the beginning band students learn the basics of music.

It’s not that I don’t agree with using technology in a classroom because if that’s how you feel students learn then, I believe that you should enforce that in a classroom. On the band director side, I don’t believe that I will enforce technology as most classroom teachers will because there isn’t a use for it when you’re learning how to play an instrument.

Thursday, May 2, 2013

The Effect of Social Networking

Is social networking bad? Is it good? Is it a little of both? Many people have different outlook on what the effect of social networking is. In the second link that I have posted the writer enjoys how technology has changed and he accepts the fact that technology is changing and he is excited to see what is going to come next. In the top article, it is about how social media has the effect on kids and at times it is good but at other times it is bad. In my opinion, there is both good and bad in social media I have had both good and bad experiences.

To me, social networking is both bad and good and it can help as much as it can do damage. Now that I am attending a college that is two hours away from home and my friends from high-school it is nice to be able to see how they're doing and contact them if I've lost their number and even to just look at what they've been up to. I remember that when my best friend Nina Martinez lived in Illinois and my phone would charge extra to call because I didn't have a certain phone plan. Whenever I joined Facebook and created an account, it was really nice to be able to send her a message and ask how everyone was doing and to see how she was doing. In the second link that is listed the author is divorced and has a son and he downloaded an app that allows them to send messages back and forth and it means so much to him, every little text message no matter how small it is. On the other hand, in the first article it explains how at times it can be more of a burden. Cyber-bullying is something that is discussed with all of the social networks. From personal experience I know that cyber-bullying can be not only hurtful but it can be embarrassing as well. Whenever I was cyber bullied, it was posted on my wall rather than just sent through a message and so that was the talk of the school the next day because at the time Facebook was new and everyone was always on. Cyber-bullying is a very big downfall for social networking. In the first article it also discusses how teenagers can become depressed from social networking. When someone posts a picture that they think is just wonderful they want everyone on their friend list to like it and when nobody does, they get upset and wonder what they're doing wrong and it makes them get the impression that no one cares about them.

Social networking can either be very fun and it can also be very harsh and realistic. It's crazy to see how technology has changed throughout the years and how it can have different impacts on everyone.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

Welcome to my Blog!

Welcome to my blog! My name is Elizabeth Moore and I am attending Henderson state university and I am pursuing a music education degree. I have created this blog mostly because my teacher asked us to for a final project. I'm glad that she has because now that I am writing my first post I am beginning to actually enjoy "blogging". My blog will consist of many items there isn't any certian subject that I am going to write about.

I was born and raised in Greenbrier Arkansas. It's not a big town it's actually on the small side so many people know it as the town that is north of Conway. My family isn't all that big but come July 20th it's going to grow quite a bit because I am marrying T.J. Tapley. My Mom's name is Sheila Moore and My Dad's name is Michael Moore. I also have a younger brother whose name is Gary Moore. Where my family and I live we call it the farm because we literally live on a farm. The people who actually gave us an acre to live on I also call my family. My Grandma, whom I call Grandmaruthie, my uncle Gary, whom I call big Gary, are the people who own the farm and ever since I was born they have always been like family. We grew so close that I used to travel to Illinois to go see their family. That's actually how I met my best friend Nina Martinez, she is four years younger than I am so I just call her my little sister. Her Mom and two sisters used to live in Illinois but they moved down my senior year of high school and so now we are closer than ever.

In my spare time I enjoy reading and I also enjoy doing outdoor festivities such as camping, four-wheeler riding, and swimming. Which means that my favorite season is summer because you can do so many more things outdoors than you can in the winter. I also enjoy traveling. I have been to various states such as; Illinois, Texas,New Jersey, etc.   

The reason why I want to become a music teacher is because I love teaching and helping children and the reason why is because I am an ATA (American Taekwondo Association) instructor. I began taekwondo whenever I was around 10 years old and I trained all of the way up until my senior year of high school and my current degree is a third degree black belt. Whenever I was in taekwondo it was an amazing feeling to teach students how to protect themselves and to also pass on my knowledge to them. My parents own an ATA school in Greenbrier Arkansas which is where I have done most of my teaching. Ever since I have been teaching taekwondo I knew that I wanted to be some type of education teacher and so at that point I had to figure out what I wanted to teach. I enjoy English but then I realized that that's probably not a subject that I would want to teach for the rest of my life and so then I considered teaching music and now that's what I'm getting my degree in. So now here I am getting my education degree in music at Henderson State University.