Tuesday, January 7, 2014

Mr. and Mrs. Project!

Since it's winter break I've decided to start some of the crafts that I've been pinning like crazy on  Pinterest. My husband and I are actually moving apartments and he said that he thinks we needed some new decor for our bedroom so I decided this was a great time to try and do some of the DIY decorations I found on Pinterest.

This is the image that I am using as a guide;
diy ideas for bedrooms
Of course, mine isn't going to look anything like this but it is giving me my inspiration. So for mine, instead o getting the single letters, I've decided to purchase some canvases and paint the Mr. and Mrs. on to the canvases. This is what I've done so far;
I got the two for five dollar canvases, stencils, and the grey and yellow paint all at Walmart. I still haven't done the and sign yet but that's my next project! I also plan on painting another canvas that looks like this;

new last name, year of wedding, old wood - love!
 To put underneath the Mr. and Mrs.! I will post pictures when I'm done with all of it!

Monday, January 6, 2014

Happily Married

Its been about a while since I've been on here but I got married on July 20! It was the absolute best day that I could ask for. The dress rehearsal was very nerve wrecking because it poured down rain so I was really nervous that the bridesmaids and groomsmen wouldn't remember what to do. It ended up being a good rehearsal dinner because T.J.'s aunt and uncle fried catfish for everyone and it appeared that everyone had a good time.
On the wedding day I was doing everything I could to remain calm because it was raining and by raining, I mean pouring. My maid of honor, Nina Martinez, and my other bridesmaid, Jessica Porter, helped keep me calm and somehow kept a smile on my face. While Nina, Jessica, and Sam (my cousin) and I  were in Conway getting my hair done I get a call from my mom saying that they can't find the boutonniere pins for the groomsmen. She said that they had searched all over and tore the house upside down and they were no where to be found. After my hair appointment we ran over to Hobby Lobby to pick up pins and then we were on our way home. When we got home we did a few of the last minute touch ups to the decorations and then it was time for me to get ready for my big day. I had so many butterflies and I couldn't believe that I was about to marry the man of my dreams and start the beginning of the rest of my life. After Jessica finished up my make up it was time to put on my wedding dress. I carefully put the dress over my head with the help of Jessica and Nina and once it was on they had to tie up the back of it because it was a corset backing. After they were done, they both stood back and looked at me and my sister, Nina, just looked at me and started crying which of course made me cry and Jessica scolded me and told me it would ruin my make up. The whole big part of this wedding was me getting to the tent without anyone seeing my dress because I wanted it to be a big reveal for everyone, including my family. So my mom found some sheets and we wrapped them all around me and we carefully walked out to the tent. While I was sitting in the tent, I had so many butterflies and I was so excited. I forgot to mention that it was raining not only was it raining, but it was thundering and lightning. Not only was I in the tent with my butterflies but I was nervous because it was raining. Everyone that was arriving said that it was raining all the way up here but when they got on the farm, the rain had stopped. Since I was nervous and frustrated about the rain we actually started the wedding at 5:59 instead of at 6:00. When my uncle and dad pulled back the tent the first person I looked at was T.J.. I couldn't take my eyes off of him the whole time I was walking down the isle and I was more than ready to start the beginning of the rest of my life. The ceremony only lasted for 15 minutes and then it was time for the reception.
The reception was full of dancing, and great food which was all hand cooked by my amazing mother.
All in all, my wedding was the best day of my life and there is nothing that I would ever change. Not even the weather because that night, there wasn't a single drop of rain that came anywhere near the ceremony. There were some amazing pair of eyes watching over us. Now almost six months later, I am happily married and wouldn't change anything.